


Class of 2016 Academic Results

Endeavour College students are to be congratulated on the effort and commitment they showed to their studies throughout 2016 to achieve such outstanding results.

2016 Dux
The Dux for 2016 was Mohammad Danish Mangi with an ATAR of 99.95 (a perfect score). In addition to Research Project, Muhammad studied Stage 2 Mathematical Studies while in Year 11 , achieving a Merit. In 2016 he was awarded Merits in Biology, Chemistry and Specialist Mathematics, an A+ in Physics and A/A- grades in English Studies, Research Project and  Solo Performance. This is an outstanding achievement and we congratulate Mohammad Danish on his results. Mohammad Danish gained entry to his university course of choice – Bachelor Medicine/Bachelor Surgery at Adelaide University.

Merit Awards/A+
The following students achieved Merit Awards and are to be congratulated on this outstanding achievement.

Laura John: Chemistry and Psychology
Sahil Goel: Chemistry
Daniel van der Ploeg: Information Technology

The following students are to be congratulated in achieving an A+ in one or more subjects.

Laura John: Biology
Sahil Goel: Mathematical Studies and Physics
Joey Ciappina: Business and Enterprise
Aimen Haider: Material Products II

Students Achieving an ATAR of more than 90

Danish Mangi  99.95
Sahil Goel  99.3
Laura John  98.85
Aimen Haider  97.1
Sharadi Wijesinghe  96.85
Jake Whitehead  95.8
Tanin Ahmadi 95.5
Joey Ciappina 95.15
Emily Doan 93.8
Kristina Pilja 92.95
Shareef Zahr 91.05
Alicia Owston 90.7
Ranai Jamal-Awar 90.05

These really are outstanding results and students and families should be very proud. The College would like to thank not only the students, but also their families for the support they have shown their students and the College throughout the past five years.

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Endeavour College

85 Mawson Lakes Blvd
Mawson Lakes
South Australia 5095

Proudly located on the lands of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains
Postal Address
Post Office Box 80
Enfield Plaza
South Australia 5085
08 8368 3311