


2017 Year 12 SACE Results

Congratulations to the entire Class of 2017 on their outstanding results.
The 2017 College Dux is William Materne with an ATAR of 97.9.
Other students who achieved an ATAR over 90 are:
Elly Schoff (96.85), Scott Llewellyn (96.75), Conor Barry (94.15), Denae Schmidtke (90.95), Christy John (90.45), Olivia Mitchell (90.25), Lachlan Simpson (90.2).

Subject Merits and A+ Grades:
Bradyn Walsh (Year 11) received a Merit Award for Stage 2 Research Project.
A+ grades were awarded to students in the following subjects:
Scott Llewellyn: Material Products – Advanced Manufacturing
Ahunim Abebe: Drama
Emma Belgraver: Research Project (Year 11)

For more information on our Year 12 Results please click here

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