


Habitat for Humanity 2019 – Building sustainable communities in Fiji


During the Semester break, four Year 11 students and two staff members from Endeavour College were part of the eighth Habitat for Humanity (H4H) team sent by South Australian Lutheran schools since 2005 to build houses in the Asia-Pacific region. This service trip occurs once every two years, and this year for the first time, the team, consisting of thirty seven students, youth leaders and staff members from five Lutheran schools across the state, travelled to Nadi in Fiji. Together they managed to complete two T-Shelter houses capable of withstanding up to category four wind speed. This will make a tangible difference in their lives.

While Fiji is normally seen as an idyllic, palm-laden paradise; poverty and inequality continue to be a major challenge, and over 35 percent of Fijian citizens live below the poverty line. H4H envisions a world where everyone has a safe place to live. A house leads to a stronger future; enabling learning, good health, better sanitation, secure rights and safety. H4H also assist in disaster response and prevention, providing water and sanitation facilities to help improve health, and work on projects to support people with disabilities.

In addition to the building that occurred in Fiji, our students put a significant amount of effort into fundraising this year, and with the support of the entire Endeavour community, raised over $6,000 towards the cost of building materials. As we raised above the required amount, we were also able to purchase some much needed stationery and sporting equipment for the Sabeto village school,  These items were very warmly received. Our sincere thanks goes out to everyone that assisted us in our fundraising efforts!

This was an amazing life experience for both students and staff, and we were truly blessed and privileged to have been a part of it. Some comments from our students include: “I have a new perspective … hopefully less materialistic; I have grown as a person; it was great working with people who have a common passion and goal; it was an incredible, once in a lifetime experience.”


These students were given the opportunity to authentically immerse themselves in the Fijian culture, and serve others in a truly meaningful and rewarding way. They were also able to form some strong friendships with students from other Lutheran Schools that we hope will continue well into the future!



Natasha Smith

Habitat for Humanity Staff Team Member

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Endeavour College

85 Mawson Lakes Blvd
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South Australia 5095

Proudly located on the lands of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains
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