Ryan Schwarz awarded Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize
Congratulations to Year 9 student, Ryan Schwarz, who has been announced as a winner in the Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize for 2019.
This competition was established in 2007 by the State Government in conjunction with the South Australian branch of the RSL. It aims to encourage young South Australians to recognise, empathise with and maintain the ANZAC Spirit.
The prize is open to all Year 9 and 10 students in South Australia. Those who participate are required to identify, research and write a report about a serviceman or woman on active service from either World War I or II, and to demonstrate how that person embodied the ANZAC Spirit. It is an expectation of the competition that participants study a lesser known individual from one of these conflicts, i.e. a person whose experiences have not been a focus of significant publication in the past.
Ryan was shortlisted for his research about Sergeant William Faint who hailed from the suburb of Hindmarsh. He enlisted in the 10th Battalion of the Australian Imperial Force in 1914 and went on to serve at Gallipoli and the Western Front. Sadly, William was killed in action in France in August 1918 at the age of 22 years.
Ryan spent two months assiduously researching William Faint’s life and his military service. He then had to summarise his findings in a 1500-word essay; in addition, Ryan had to compose a 500-word statement showing how William embodied characteristics of the ANZAC Spirit, along with a 500-word statement about himself.
Ryan submitted his entry in mid-May and following an interview with the judging panel on Thursday 30 May, was chosen as one of the winners of the competition!
For his efforts, Ryan will join fifteen other Year 9 and 10 students from around the State on a fully funded 14-day escorted tour of Vietnam which will occur from 29 October – 13 October. The tour will provide the opportunity for the winners examine and understand the nature of the conflict that was fought in Vietnam, and also the many sacrifices made by Australian defence personnel in the service of Australia.
Once again, the College congratulates Ryan on his outstanding achievement. In coming months we look forward to hearing more about the preparations he will be making prior to undertaking the study tour.
Photo: Ryan is seen featured with his mentor during the project Mr David Thiele, Learning Leader – History at Endeavour College.