Year 10 Health and Wellbeing Day 2
In Week 4 we held the second day of the Year 10 Health and Wellbeing Program for 2017.
Students saw a powerful and moving presentation by Neil Davis from the Sammy D Foundation. Neil talked about the night his son Sam died as a result of a single punch at a party. He explained the impacts Sam’s death has had on his family, friends, people at the party and the person responsible for Sam’s death. Students were also given some clear advice and strategies about how to manage situations at parties where aggressive behaviour may be occurring. This is the fifth year The Sammy D Foundation have spoken to the Year 10s and we thank them for the work they do in schools.
In the middle session, students were asked to spend some individual time reflecting on their own personal values. Students were guided through a task where they identified different moments in their life and what they meant to them. They then identified a set of values that they felt they could use as a guide for decisions they may need to make during their life.
The day wasn’t all serious with a session that continued the Health and Wellbeing Challenge. In their groups, students had to solve a range of visual puns and riddles as well as testing their knowledge on The Wiggles.
Finally, in the afternoon Mrs Fitridge and Marni Harding discussed with students the importance of keeping safe in the workplace. Students identified problems that may arise when they are on Work Experience and discussed strategies on how to deal with these if they occurred.
A big thank you to all of the Year 10 staff who helped out on the day and in particular to Mrs Fitridge and Marni Harding for organising the Keeping Safe activity.
Darren Willsmore
Year 10 Year Level Leader