

Annual Cost of School Tuition

At Endeavour College, we pride ourselves on having competitive fees without comprising the high level of education and attention we offer. We sit below the median national average of private school fees and offer a family discount for more than one student concurrently enrolled. Our annual fee also includes all tuition costs, ICT Levy and textbook hire fees.

Family Concessions

For families with more than one student concurrently enrolled at Endeavour College the following concessions apply:

  • Second child:10% fee reduction
  • Third child:15% fee reduction
  • Fourth and subsequent child: 20% fee reduction

Families who have one or more children enrolled at one of our Connected Schools will receive an additional fee concession of 5% for each child at those schools.

Edstart – flexible payment options

Endeavour College has partnered with Edstart Extend for families wishing to spread school fee payments (excluding Uniform and Stationery) with an extended plan up to five (5) years. This partnership is a sustainable and affordable plan for parents and caregivers. For more information, visit https://edstart.com.au/endeavoursa

For information on Uniforms, please click here.

Please read the product brochure here

To get started, follow this link edstart.com.au/endeavoursa

Application Fee and Bond

Application Fee

The Application for Enrolment incurs a non-refundable $50 fee per child being enrolled.  While the Application for Enrolment does not secure a place at the College, the fee covers our enrolments team initiating the process and paperwork required.  The application fee is not applicable to those who are enrolled currently at one of our Connected Schools.

Confirmation of Enrolment bond

The $500 Enrolment Bond* secures a place at Endeavour College, payable upon signing the Acceptance Form and is refunded in the final term of the student’s enrolment providing the following conditions are met:

  • The student commences their schooling at the College
  • All financial obligations to the College are complete
  • All hire textbooks are returned in good order
  • If leaving before the completion of Year 12, at least one Term notice of leaving the College is given in writing to the

* Students within our Connected Schools network moving to Endeavour College from either Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School at Para Vista, and St Paul Lutheran Primary School at Blair Athol may be eligible for a bond transfer and is not required to be paid upon signing the Acceptance Form.

2025 Detailed Fee Information

Year LevelYear 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12
Tuition Fees$5896$8415$8833$9359$9359$9359
ICT Levy$388$388$388$388$388$388
Compulsory camps, activities and excursions$417$198$979$394$954$654
Laptop Levy$500$500$500$500$500$500
Graphic Calculator$260
Total Per Year$7200$9500$10700$10900$11200$10900


This link takes you to detailed Fee Policy.

Please note: The cost of the purchase of a laptop is spread over and up to 3 years. Miscellaneous costs refer to educational activities such as competitions, building funds, music tuition, transport, performances, camps, and excursions, may occur from time to time.


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Connected Schools

Proud member of Connected Schools

Endeavour College

85 Mawson Lakes Blvd
Mawson Lakes
South Australia 5095

Proudly located on the lands of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains
Postal Address
Post Office Box 80
Enfield Plaza
South Australia 5085
08 8368 3311