

We’ve come a long way

Endeavour College opened its doors in 1998 at the Good Shepherd Lutheran School and the following year it moved to a specifically designed campus at Mawson Lakes on two and a half hectares, right next door to the University of South Australia.

Endeavour College was founded as the result of a partnership between Lutheran churches who desired to see a Lutheran co-educational secondary school established in Adelaide’s northern suburbs. Read about our Connected Schools system here.

In that first trailblazing year, the College started with just twenty students; a number which has now exceeded seven hundred and six-year levels in twenty five years.

The College started in two temporary buildings, which needed a complete fit-out. A working bee was called and the founding 20 families turned up to help, developing our close-knit community from the very start. There was one teacher for maths and science subjects and one for the arts and humanities, with the Principal teaching history too.

In its early days, the College was small enough to hold recess when the teachers thought it appropriate and a handbell was used to signal the end of the break. These days, of course, we use a computerised bell system. How things have grown!

For more than 20 years, as the school has grown, many stages of buildings, have been built to offer increasing subject choices, more student numbers, and specialist facilities. 2008 saw the completion of the gymnasium, basketball court, and sporting facilities. A state-of-the-art Advanced Manufacturing, Materials, and Food Technolgy department complete with 3D printers, Laser Cutters, and induction cooktops was officially opened in 2014 and has since been expanded in 2019. The Middle Years Centre was completed in time for our expansion into Year 7 in 2016 and provided the College with an additional 8 beautifully designed classrooms and many collaborative working environments for students in Year 7-9 as well as a dedicated Student Services area and internal school driveway.

In April 2020, we proudly opened our new Senior Years Centre – the culmination of 12 months of planning, designing, and construction. The $7.3M project is the largest Endeavour College has undertaken to date and the official opening included an event attended by staff, students, and guests. The new Senior Years Centre is so much more than a building–it’s a natural extension of our Vision for Learners for our senior students. It is a combination of contemporary design, flexible interdisciplinary spaces, advanced technology, and environmental considerations, all working together seamlessly to help our students pursue their curiosity and passions with a sense of independence and purpose. It is a space that will prepare our students for what to expect when they go onto a tertiary study or enter the workplace.

More recently, in 2020, we installed a new roof to our Mall area, with two giant industrial-sized fans to keep the temperature cool. Solar panels to help with our strategic goal of sustainable futures, a new Wellbeing Centre, and an outdoor play area for the Year 7s, are just a few things that we are happy to add to our ever-growing list of improvements to our learning environments in 2021.

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Connected Schools

Proud member of Connected Schools

Endeavour College

85 Mawson Lakes Blvd
Mawson Lakes
South Australia 5095

Proudly located on the lands of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains
Postal Address
Post Office Box 80
Enfield Plaza
South Australia 5085
08 8368 3311