

All student attendance will now be recorded and the following process is required to alert the College:

Please be aware of the following options if:
– your child is not able to attend school.
– your child is running late.
– you need to pick your child up at a time other than regular school-day times.

      Call Student Services 8368 3311 before 8:30 (preferred)
    Email to absences@endeavour.sa.edu.au
       If you receive an SMS from the College, reply to it.

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Connected Schools

Proud member of Connected Schools

Endeavour College

85 Mawson Lakes Blvd
Mawson Lakes
South Australia 5095

Proudly located on the lands of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains
Postal Address
Post Office Box 80
Enfield Plaza
South Australia 5085
08 8368 3311