
A Christ-centred community of K-12 Lutheran Schools

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Student Pathways website


Senior Years Centre - enhancing a sense of independence and purpose in senior students

Our students are knowledge-seekers

Inspiring our students to develop as individuals

Learning options to suit all types of students

We value the individual

Thinking outside the box

Explore and discover

Vision Drives Discovery

Learning another language means you have a home anywhere

Picturesque location

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. Isaiah 9:6

Endeavour College, Mawson Lakes

Located at Mawson Lakes, Endeavour College is a progressive Christian secondary college that offers students more than just an education. That’s because everything we do at Endeavour College, and how we do it, is a natural extension of our mission –  to develop students’ God-given gifts and abilities for LIFE* and community. This Mission and The Endeavour Way, inspire our students to grow as individuals, be effective collaborators and contribute with meaningful impact to the wider community.

With more than 750 students, we welcome all people regardless of background, religion, gender or ability and we give every individual the tools, confidence and self-value that they need to thrive with Christian life for decades to come.

Our school has state-of-the-art facilities, small class sizes and pedagogically designed classrooms, learning spaces and social areas where students become engaged and excel in every facet of their school experience.

With a deep understanding of our students’ needs, our teachers and staff are devoted and highly skilled in offering students the best education possible, whilst retaining their creative spirit and fortifying their relationship with God.

We value diversity and love the vastness of our community at Endeavour College and we welcome your child.
Find out about enrolment here.

Our Christian values-based education teaches the importance of learning to
respect ourselves as well as our community.
Supported by a steadfast history, and as we nurture their relationship with God, your child is in great hands.


*LIFE: Living In Faith Everyday

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Endeavour College

85 Mawson Lakes Blvd
Mawson Lakes
South Australia 5095

Proudly located on the lands of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains
Postal Address
Post Office Box 80
Enfield Plaza
South Australia 5085
08 8368 3311